Hartley City Council Special Meeting Monday, March 28th
A Special City Council Meeting will be held Friday, March 28th at 8:00am. The regular monthly Hartley City Council meets at 5:30 p.m. on the 2nd Monday of each month in the Council Chambers located at City Hall at 11...
Friday Night Fish Fry at American Legion Post 288
Hartley American Legion Hall will hold their Annual Friday Night Fish Fry. The next Fish Fry dates will be March 28th and April 11th Serving from 5 pm until 7pm. Carry outs available Enjoy these dishes:Fried Alaskan Pollock, Baked Potato, Cole...
It's Time for Cabin Fever Golf - Friday March 28th!
The Hartley Chamber of Commerce will hold it's Annual Cabin Fever Golf! Friday, March 28th. Tee off between 5:00 & 8:00 pm Sign up at Fiesta Foods or Legion Club Don't forget to Eat at the Fish Fry @ the...
Between the Covers Book Club discusses the Book "Holding" by Graham Norton
Between the Covers Book Club discusses the book, "Holding" by Graham Norton at the library @ 2pm Feel free to Join us - Stop in pick up a copy of the book and/or visit with the Librarian about the...
Trinity UCC Annual Beef Supper- Wednesday, April 2!!
Trinity United Church of Christ will hold their Annual BEEF SUPPER Wednesday April 3rd, 2024 5pm to 7 pm Everyone is welcome for the famous Trinity Beef Supper Dine-In or Drive-Through!! You do NOT want to miss this. Serving savory roast...
Hartley Recycle Days
Hartley Recycle Days will be Thursday, April 3rd & 17th Recycle Days are every other week on Thursdays. You can print your own recycle days calendar here
Spring City Wide Clean-up Day is Monday April 14th!
Spring Clean-Up Day will be Monday, April 14th The city will be doing refuse pickup for residential customers only starting April 14th. Commercial customers are asked to call Brommer Sanitation @ 712-722-0631 for any pickup needs. See the Rules and Instructions...
Eggs & Pics at the Easter Egg Hunt on Sat. April 19th!
Hartley's Easter Egg Hunt will be held Saturday, April 19th at 10 a.m. at the Community Memorial Health Center, Hartley, Iowa All Children Ages 0-10 are welcome! Please park at Grace Fellowship Church parking lot. (361 N 8th Ave W,...